The Dana Slideshow (Dbl-Click to Open)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

One, Two...Three, Four!!

Hello all from Dana and Courtney in room 318. We wanted to update you on this weeks happenings. Week two of healing following the muscle flap is nearly complete. Weeks 1 and 2 down and weeks 3 and 4 to go. Hard to believe that it has been 13 days since the surgery!! The flap is healing well. Earlier this week, 2 of the 3 drains were removed as well as the staples. The doc is very pleased with the progress. We continue with "therapy" in the room by strengthening right and left arm muscles.

On Wednesday afternoon, we met with a Neuropsychologist and several other team members, to review the results of the neuropsych test, Dana took several weeks ago. The results of which were overall very positive considering the impact of the collision on Dana's brain. He will follow through with therapists doing cognitive excercises to strengthen the weaker areas. (The brain is a muscle too and needs time and strenghtening to heal.) The docs are encouraged with Dana's progress and therefore don't anticipate the brain injury recovery to be very lengthy. In our free time we have been playing Outburst and Memory Madness to stimulate our minds. We also watch the occasional movie and episodes from season one of the West Wing.

A highlight of our week was a visit from our good friend Mara. The three of us enjoyed visiting and catching up. Thank you Mara from making the trip from Boston and for the goodies. We will let you know when we complete the brain teaser puzzle.

Thank you everyone for your continued cards, emails and care packages. They all mean so much to us! Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 12, 2007

One week down and about Two to go!

This is Dana dictating to my assistant (Mom). Sorry not to have blogged in a week, but l've been busy. I know that sounds a little crazy, but the first week of bed rest after surgery on 11/5/07 flew by much quicker than I had imagined.

Busy doing what you ask? Even though I have had to lay relatively flat in bed, the trusty PT, OT and Speech team have continued to visit and work with me as much as possible. I have been working on building up strength in my right arm with bicep curls, shoulder presses and raises and have been working very hard to stretch my left arm and elbow to increase my flexibility and mobility. Yesterday, I was able to do sets of reps with my left arm with a theraband hooked to the lift in the room. I'm sure I'm not describing that very well, but trust me it works and it tired me out. All small steps in the right direction.

I've also been watching the first season of "The West Wing" (thanks Dad) - I'm on episode 11!

Thanks so much to Laura Little and the wwwww's for the quilt. My favorite colors and the perfect size. It is truely a work of art and greatly appreciated.

Also, thanks to the West Coast Spirit Club aka Aunt Jann, Peggy and Corky - "Fa geh da bow dit". Great T-shirt!

The docs checked on me today and think everything looks great. I am healing very well and as of today, I'm headed toward starting to get up in a chair for a short time just after Thanksgiving (here's hoping I stay on plan). The stitches in my left arm were removed today. Ouch!

My continued gratitude to everyone for all of your love and support. It means everything to me. That is it for now - I'm going to catch one more commercial free episode of "The West Wing" before bedtime.

Love you all,
