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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day Program Week Three

Hello all...from Atlanta. Dana has completed his third week in the Day Program. The week consisted of business as the world of therapy. Not many new happenings to report. The focus has been practicing and perfecting what he has already learned.

Transfers are getting smoother and faster. The same for dressing and grooming.

Arm and upper body strength is increasing. Dana has participated in several "push" sessions this week. A group of chairs go on a push down a long carpeted hallway with several turns, inclines and declines.
Theraband class is where the core strength and balance is worked. Dana can feel improvement in his balance over the last couple weeks.

In the next week or so, Dana will participate in track practices at a local high school. He will act as assistant coach to high schoolers during practice. This will require him to plan track workouts and coach the athletes through them. The coaching will require Dana to work on projecting his voice and "yelling". Often after spinal cord injuries....lungs are weak and more suseptible to illness. Good cardiovascular work..can help to improve lung expansion.

Cardio II class is a group session where you work on several different cardiovascular machines and the goal is to keep your heart rate up for as much of the hour long class as possible. Fitness II is very similar, but with weights.

In addition to the grueling therapy, we do manage to have a little fun. Over the last week, Dana visited Stone Mountain with Rick(his dad), and Dana and I have enjoyed some dinners with friends. Today we visited New World of Coke. After tasting several different Coke products from around the world, Dana's favorite was Minute Maid Fresh Mix from France and I enjoyed Apple Kiwi Fanta from Thialand. We both agreed that Beverly a product from Italy, was by far the worst!

In the coming week...Dana will look forward to the arrival of his custom "take home" wheelchair. It is a titanium frame (very lightweight) with special wheels. With several weeks left to go in the Day Program, it will give Dana a chance to get comfortable in his new chair.

Have a great week! If you are watching the Superbowl, we hope your team wins! Thanks for all the support.

All the best,
Courtney and Dana too!