The Dana Slideshow (Dbl-Click to Open)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Continuing Good News Thursday 8/30

Yesterday Dana spent most of the day "awake". We put that in quotes because we don't want you to get the impression he fully understands or remembers what's going on. He'll shake his head yes/no when answering questions and wave his hand or give a thumbs up occasionally. But that's about it. After being so alert for almost 18 hours, he finally dozed off and had a peaceful night's rest.

Dr. D checked him out this morning and felt everything looked great. This morning they were able to put him into a reclinable chair. He looks really comfortable and appears to be a bit tired. That's a good thing after yesterday's activity.

So today we're keeping a small distance (the distance from the ICU room to the waiting room) from Dana for him to rest up.


Anonymous said...

Courtney, Rick, Linda, and Jessie,

We will be in the Albany area on Monday afternoon, is it okay for us to stop by and say hello?

We read the updates every day and are so happy to see the amazing progress Dana is making.

-Betsy and Matt Underhill (617-224-8789)

Anonymous said...

Lots of cheers from everyone here for the progress Dana continues to make. Dana and the rest of you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Sending everything positive your way!!!!
The valley people

Anonymous said...

What great news.....and I'm sure what a relief to Dana!! Keep the good news coming. Thinking of and praying for Dana and all of you always.
Aunt Andrea

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear dana is doing well but i would expect nothing less. You will all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers-Danny Cavanaugh

Anonymous said...

Hey couz glad to hear your doing so well.I pray every day for your
recovery,I know its a long road ahead,but you can do it one day at a time.YOUR tough and have lots of positive energy from your family,so
use it.I know your guardian angel was with you that day and continues to be.Keep smilin that beautiful smile of yours.See you
when your feeling more rested.

Anonymous said...

Dana's outstanding progress continues to be all the "BUZZ" among his colleagues, co-workes, friends across TEPPCO & EPCO. He is in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. Many of us wish to visit, and we will await the "okay" from family members.

God bless you all !!

Anonymous said...

Wow, up to a recliner chair! That's great news. Keep up with the great progress. We say a prayer for him every day. Lots of love and positive energy. The Larkins

Lauren Casullo said...

Yeaaa Dana!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read about all the progress, especially the back surgery and being out of bed in the recliner! We think about you all every day and send all the energy we can spare. Hope the spirit of that is still with you in the most positive zone in Albany Med - Dana Central outside of SICU.