The Dana Slideshow (Dbl-Click to Open)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The first Monday of Rehabilitation 9/17/07

Dana had a very busy day today. His trach tube was removed and replaced with a "button". The button is a device that will stay in place for a short time keeping the hole open, just in case it is needed.

Dana met with the members of his team who will help him on his road to recovery. The team consists of several doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, pychologists, speech therapists, nurses and technicians. (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone). Schedules with each of these individuals begin slowly this week, but by next week the plan is for a full day (9 to 4) Monday through Friday (and sometimes a half day on Saturday). Dana was very excited to begin this process. Today he started a few exercises for his left arm, shoulder, wrist, elbow and fingers. He didn't get a chance to get out of bed today as they fitted him for a new chair which will be ready for him tomorrow. He is very much looking forward to tomorrow for a ride around in his new chair.

Dana is in very good spirits and is even cracking some jokes. Courtney and I were both in stiches tonight laughing with him.

Dana asked me to send congratulations to Brad and Amber on the birth of their new baby boy Weston Charles born on Saturday. Thanks Nate for letting us know!

An impressive day! Over and out from ATL.


Anonymous said...

Busy is good and smiling and laughing is even better!!! So now Dana, you need to show your "team" what Dana Carr is really made of!!And Courtney, stay as strong and positive as you have been. We know that you and Dana can make it through this. You both are in our hearts and prayers everyday. We're sending all our confidence and positive energy your way....
The valley people

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Dana, you are going to be busy! I know that you will do amazingly well though, you have proven yourself time and time again. We are so proud of you and you continue to be on our minds.
Dan and Lauren Casullo

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dana!! I know you can do it. Keep up the jokes and have fun riding in your new chair
We are rooting for you back home. Ernie sends his love
becky vosburgh

Fr. Ken Gregory said...

Glad to see that things are moving along so well. Knowing you, I had no doubt that you would get right to it! You are in my thoughts and prayer. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hello from Albany,
We are happy to hear of the exceptional progress you are making Dana. Please know that we are cheering for you here in Albany. We really miss you and all of your awesome family. Keep the focus on healing and you will continue to progress at lightening speed. Sarah and Sharon

Beth said...
Full days, lots of talking and laughter...we miss you, we love you...our prayers continue for the long haul...
we're with you in thoughts , energies,
Beth, Rick, Adam, Abbey, Ellen