The Dana Slideshow (Dbl-Click to Open)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hi everyone. Today has been a busy and positive day for Dana. This morning he was moved from his bed to a type of reclining lounge chair to get him more upright. Then Courtney (using her excellent driving skills) and the nurses took him for a quick spin around the ICU to give him a change of scenery. They even stopped to look out the windows. After his tour, one of the ICU nurses gave him a haircut which was a big improvement. He had his head partially shaved during the first week for a procedure, and the haircut evened things up and he looks much better. He has been having sips of water and he even asked for some ice cream. He had a couple of small bites, but then wanted his mother to finish it, which she did, of course. He has been reasonably awake for much of the day and is quite a chatty Cathy. We are still struggling to understand what he is trying to communicate given his still medicated state. Overall, it has been another good day and Dana continues to improve slowly but surely. Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. They are surely working.


Anonymous said...

I live in the Berlin area and have been following your blog regarding Dana. I must say I feel exhausted reading these blogs each day and can only imagine how you all feel. While I look forward each day to hearing that he is getting better, it becomes quite apparent how far you all still have to go. The strength and devotion your family and friends have is remarkable and inspiring. Dana is truly blessed in his life to have you all. I continue to pray for Dana too, as I am sure many in our small community do. We lost one of our own, but we hope and pray that out of this tragedy your Dana will make a full recovery and be able to go home with you all very soon.

martha said...

Hello everyone,

Am so glad that things are going well. We thing of all of you everyday.

Gary and Alexis are having a good trip. They are now in Las Vegas. Am sure Jessy is in touch with Alexis.

Stay strong. This is not easy. Every day brings more challenges. Dana is doing so very well. Our hearts and minds are with you.

Love from the Lakes

Anonymous said...

More wonderful news about Dana, give Nurse Courtney and Dana a hug. He sure knew his mom would like ice cream, good sign! Joe and Jackie

Anonymous said...

Wow! We remember Reece's first trip around the SICU. It was so uplifting! Small steps equal big moments, right?

Looking out a window and seeing the world is so motivating.

With this kind of news, we know all is well in Dana Central.

Stay positive and stay strong!

(By the way, just one question, what kind of ice cream was it?)

Anonymous said...

SUPER news!!!!! I'm sure a change of scenery made a world of difference to Dana. And a haircut and ice cream too??!! Keep the good news coming our way........Still thinking of and praying for Dana and all of you everyday---all day.
The valley people

Anonymous said...

Jack put up flares last night on the Carr beach for Dana. We all took a moment to think of our friends and sent prayers to each and everyone of you. Keep up the great progress Dana. Love The Larkins