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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Wed...Over the hump day!

We apologize for not posting in a couple of days. Things at Shepherd Center are going very well for Dana. He is getting stronger and stronger everyday. When I got back into town on Monday after being away for five long days, I was pleased to find Dana looking marvelous. He has color back in his face, his appetite is steadily increasing and therapy sessions are getting longer and more intense. The best part, Dana is feeling well enough to enjoy the therapy. Yesterday in speech class, Dana did some research and with the research, started to put together a Power Point Presentation. The presentation will be given to family, friends and Shepherd Center employees at a later date. Today in OT, Dana spent some time in the kitchen using everyday life skills. "I really enjoyed working in the kitchen. I felt right at home. I like to cook and for all of you who know Court and I, know that I do all the cooking. She is yet to find the on button for the stove." says, Dana! Funny...but true. The past few nights we have gotten out of the room for dinner in the cafeteria. We have enjoyed spending some quality time together. Lots to talk about!! Today...I said to myself...Dana is talking and acting like his old self again. Even making few comments that left me in stitches laughing and nearly crying. He is a funny guy!
Tomorrow is a busy day...a couple of classes in the morning and therapy sessions in the early afternoon. In the middle of the afternoon Dana is taking a Neuropsych evaluation test. This test will determine what, if any, weakness that Dana still has from his brain injury. The results will help to formulate a plan for Dana's future therapy sessions. With that being said, this test is usually done close to when a person is to be discharged. The docs are so encouraged with his progress thus far, they would rather sooner than later, so the results can pin point exactly what to target. They are expecting a full recovery from the brain injury and Dana is close to being there. Way to go DANA!! Wish him Luck as the test is 3.5 hours long.
Friday is the tentative date for the long awaited arm surgery. We knew this needed to be done, and are very ready to have it over with. Think good thoughts and wish Dana well as we hope this will be the last of the surgeries.
The cards and emails are wonderful! Dana looks forward to reading them every afternoon. He also reads the blog and loves all of the positive thoughts and comments that are left. Thanks to everyone! Goodnight and have a great Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Dana! We love to hear of the progress you've made. Lee went to the lake this week and raked up all the nasty falling leaves and picked up alot of walnuts. John D and Jack were there and send their good wishes. Can't wait to see you back at the lake enjoying the peacefullness and beauty of it! I know if you close your eyes and take a deep breath you can see it all. Laura, Alyse and Lee send all of their thoughts and prayers as well as Lee and I. Always in our hearts, The Larkins

Anonymous said...

Great for you, that is awesome you are making some incredible strides. You have a great support staff and I look everyday to see how well you are doing. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the fight. God bless.

Matt Burin

Anonymous said...

Great news!!! Not that we would have expected any less. We bet that his presentation will be nothing short of perfect. It's nice to hear that you are having quality time and enjoying each others company--what good therapy for both of you. We wish Dana good luck on his test today-just enduring 3.5 hours is good enough!!As for his arm surgery, we are all thinking positive(of course we always are) and hoping too that this will be the last. Your update can only make us smile and reinforce our faith! We are always thinking and praying for you.
The valley people

martha said...

Hello Dana, Courtney and All,
Glad to hear the news. Am sure you will be thrilled when the arm surgery is behind you. Hope the test went well today. We think of you always and send our positive thoughts your way. You know we are here for whatever we can do. Thanks for the update.

Love from the Lakes

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going well for You. Glad You have Courtney there to Love and support You. You will be in Our thoughts and Prayers tomorrow and everyday.Hope all goes well with Your arm surgery. Hollie and Kylie send their Love and Kisses to Cousin Dana. Keep the faith! Love Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

hey family~
Can't wait to see you all in a month for Thanksgiving. Monty is very excited to make the long drive to Atlanta to see Dana.... he promises to bring Ernie style kisses. Keep up the great work Dana, can't wait to see that awesome Power Point Presentation.
Love you bunches and bunches,
Missi and Monty

Anonymous said...

Dana & Courtney,

Glad to hear about Dana’s tremendous progress and we will be thinking of you during the surgery schedule for Friday…

Thanks for the updates,


Uncle John, Jennifer, Chase, Katy and Carter

Stacy and Paul said...

Hello, Carr family - Happen to have a few quiet moments (there aren't many) and thought I'd do a little catching up. Enjoyed your blog and was so thrilled to hear of Dana's progress. He seems to be doing wonderfully well. By now, his surgery and testing may be done and we hope all went splendidly. We would expect nothing less. We are thinking, also, that Joe has had his last surgery (at least for now) and all the doctors are pleased. This is a good thing. Hoping y'all have a great visit in Atlanta. Thanks for the offer of the birthday cake, but Scott was in Louisville
on business. Positive thoughts and prayers for all of you, most expecially Dana. Love from the Ferraro Family

Anonymous said...

Good news on the work front!! Your Pipeline Relocation Project for PPC in Mechanicsburg, PA is tied-in and in-service as of yesterday, Friday, October 26th. One more off the "to-do" list before the end of the year. Our ol' buddy Mr. Bourg was on-site, and I was very excited to know that he heard from you the other night. Keep up the good hard work down there, and your co-workers are working hard to get the pipeline ready for a - hopefully - long cold winter season.
Later, Bud.
PS - the staff at DeClementes says hello, and they can't wait to see your smilin' face back in the restaurant. Your favorite chocolate chip cookies await!

Jenelle said...

Hey Carr Family! Congrats on all of the progress Dana! I'm a Speech Pathologist myself-I did my internship at a rehab hospital-similar to where you are. I'm glad to hear they are doing such great things with you in Atlanta! Take care!


Anonymous said...

I love reading this blog everyday. It is so encouraging and exciting to read about Dana's amazing progress. We think about you often and our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Keep up the good work! We love and miss you all!

The Siglins :)

Laurie said...

Hello Dana & Courtney: Just wanted to say hello and add my "GOOD FOR YOU" comment to the list. Your strength and positive attitudes are an constant inspiration! My best to you both! Laurie