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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Back on track!!

Good evening everyone! We just wanted to give a brief update on the last few very busy days.
On Wednesday, Dana moved back to the 2nd floor. This is the main rehab floor where Dana was prior to his last surgery. He was glad to get back into the swing of things, and resume a daily schedule. He is in room 218 A at this time.
Tomorrow morning starts full status rehab. Dana has waited patiently for the okay to be given....and it has!!!! We celebrate yet another green light!!
His left arm, athough still healing, is much improved in its mobility and flexibility . The splint is no longer needed all the time.
The weekend was filled with different activites. On Friday night, we celebrated our friend Erin's birthday with her, here at The Shepherd Center.
Saturday, Dana had therapy in the morning and in the afternoon we went down the street to a salon, where Dana got his hair cut. The haircut was followed by some lunch at a nearby deli and a trip to the Fresh Market(a local grocery store). All places are in walking distance to The Shepherd Center so we can get to them without a car. We aren't to that point yet, but hope to be soon! The Shepherd Center encourages patients and families to get out during free time, and experience things together before the patient goes home. Saturday night was a holiday concert at the center. The music was very nice and it felt great to get out and share in some holiday spirit with other patients, families and people from the community.
It was a beautiful Sunday in Atlanta. The temperature was approx 70 degrees. We spent a good part of the day outside enjoying some sunshine and pet therapy. Several times a month, pets are brought in for patients to see. It was great to see and pet some very cute dogs, but it made us realize how much we miss Ernie.
Have a great week! We will let you know how full rehab is going as the week goes on.


martha said...

Hi Dana & Courtney,
Good news once again from Atlanta. It's great that Dana is back in action on the rehab floor. Your 70 degree Sunday was way better than our 20 something degree Sunday. We have a couple of inches of snow. Linda is joining "the girls" for dinner tomorrow. So nice to have her last month too. Looking forward to an update on the family. You are always in our thoughts and hearts. Thanks for the update.
Love from the Lakes

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it was a very nice weekend for both of you--and a well deserved one at that!!! How great that you could get outside and do "everyday" things. We can't even begin to imagine how great that must have felt! And how wonderful that Danas left arm is "free at last" and he is able to get back to full rehab!! So now that the "light has turned green again and you are back on the road", we hope that you will be pulling out into the 'passing lane' for some smooth sailing down the "highway of recovery"!! We are so very excited that things are moving in the right direction again and will be from here on out!! You both are always in our thoughts and prayers and you continue to show us all what strength, love and determination can accomplish!!
The valley people
We're sure Ernie misses you too!