The Dana Slideshow (Dbl-Click to Open)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday, August 22 - 4:13 pm

We think Dana's back surgery will most likely happen next Monday(8/27) or Tuesday (8/28). He still has a temperature and we don't want to risk a set back. Dana is doing amazing. He rested well during the night and is still breathing on his own since Sunday night, so his lungs are steadily improving. He just arrived back from a procedure that involved installing a "Greenfield Filter". It's basically a way to catch any blood clots that may form.

Oh and sorry the blogsite was down. Apparently Google couldn't handle the traffic that this site was generating. We told Google to step up their side of the deal, so keep the traffic coming!

We also have other good/cool news but will have to post that a bit later. (Keep your refresh button clear)


Anonymous said...

my heart and thoughts and prayers are with you constantly, will talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

I have been asked to let Dana, the Carrs and the Benyos know that you are all in the thoughts and prayers of everyone at the Lance Armstrong Foundation in Austin, TX.

"Stay strong Dana! We're all pulling for you!"

katie said...

Our thoughts, Prayers and very best wishes go out to all of you. Dana's progress has been nothing shy of miraclous.
Courtney, Honey, we have been with you and Dana every step of the way in our hearts. Please remember to take time to take care of yourself. We missed you at the wedding but fully understand that your primary focus has to be Dana.
Meg and Scott are anxiously waiting for the time when the four of you can get together but, in the meantime they send their love and best thoughts from Florida.
If there is anything (at all) we can do for you please, please call.
Love you honey,
The Colemans

Anonymous said...

We are keeping in our thoughts and prayers.

Michael Bronson & family

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear about Dana's progress. He is truly an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work. We are praying for you.
Love Jenn and Mike