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Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Update from The Shepherd Center

Hi All!!
Tonight we wanted to take the time to update everyone on the past few days. Overall Dana has had a very restful week thus far. He remains in the ICU following the abdominal surgery but, not for long. His trach tube has been plugged and Dana is able to talk. As you can imagine he has alot to say. Reading lips gets old and tedious after awhile. Needless to say, it is great to hear his voice.
Several of his abdominal staples were removed and the drain in his belly is gone. One by one he is getting rid of all the tubes and monitoring devices he has accumulated.
Dana has been sitting up in his chair for hours at a time. He is getting stronger by the minute and it is so insipiring to watch. Meals consist of liquids for now, soon... that too should be a thing of the past. His intestines are finally working again and he looks forward to solid food when the okay is given.
Therapy continue to take place, just on a limited basis.
The arm surgery that was originally scheduled for today has been postponed until further notice. The surgeon needed to travel out of town on an unexpected basis.
The cards and emails are very encouraging for Dana to read. We both thank everyone for the kind words, cards, emails, packages, phone calls etc. It is people like you that make each day brighter for us! Hugs... Dana and Courtney


Anonymous said...

We're so glad to read yet another encouraging update! Dana, it's been said many times in this blog, but we will say it again-you truly are a man of great strength and determination. And Courtney, as inspiring as it is for you to see, it is for us to hear. We pray that everyday gets better for both of you and that soon therapy will be full speed ahead. You are always in our thoughts.
The valley people

Anonymous said...

Hey hang in there Bionic Man! We need some positive energy back in the NE Region.

Your Fans in Greensburg

Anonymous said...

We are encouraged by your courage and bravery (both of you!) We think of you and your family often.
Roz DuBois